Venice definitely lives up to its reputation as “the most romantic city in the world” by night. When the sun is setting the city transforms and there is a special feeling in the warm night air. The sky is painted with tones of pink and blue and the sound of accordions and gondoliers singing echo through the canals. Red roses are sold in the square and couples are kissing on the steps of the bridges. If thats not romantic I don’t know what is. I wish more cities were like Venice, love is a beautiful thing and I have enjoyed being surrounded by it the last few days.Dress and bag by Revolve Clothing

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  1. “The gamesome wind among her tresses plays,
    And curleth up those growing riches short;
    Her spareful eye to spread his beams denays,
    But keeps his shot where Cupid keeps his fort;
    The rose and lily on her cheek assays
    To paint true fairness out in bravest sort,
    Her lips, where blooms naught but the single rose,
    Still blush, for still they kiss while still they close…”

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