1. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. The most beautiful photos ! They are crazy! A source of inspiration for all!

  2. Omg you are totally my fit inspiration. You have the most gorgeous but totally healthy body. What size are you?

  3. do they still sell this dress on Magali Pascal? i looked and it wasnt on the website. Is there any where else i could purchase the dress? going to greece in two weeks and it would be PERECT for the trip. LOVE LOVE LOVE the dress!!!

  4. Dear Natasha!

    I’ve sent you an e-mail… 🙂 I’m sooo wishing to send you Handmade dresses from my collection!

    I have my fingers crossed to hear from amazing YOU! 🙂

    My website that you can choose from is: http://www.emmaoclothing.se

    So much love!! Hope you’re well <3 <3
    Xoxoxo Emma

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